Camel’s Ass

Our pal Kevin at Rumproast is going through a tough time right now. His beloved pet is very ill, and the prognosis is not good. He posted a brief notice about it earlier this week at Rumproast by way of explanation for his infrequent posting.

Our occasional PUMA commenter Nijma apparently saw that post and was inspired to download and Photoshop a picture of the ailing pet over the word “Obey” at her blog today. The name of the image file? “kevinobeypuma2.png” Nice, huh?

I think this incident tells us all we need to know about Nijma. The curiosity around her at first was understandable because she claimed to want to engage in dialogue and has a blog that apparently wasn’t always devoted to hating on Obama.

But she quickly demonstrated that she isn’t really interested in dialogue, and this decision to Photoshop a dude’s gravely ill pet seems, well, creepy. For that reason, I intend to stop giving her the attention she craves, and I recommend that y’all do the same.