I happen to have Mr. Krugman right here…

So both Smurphy and Riverchucky are yammering on about Paul Krugman’s NYT column today, artfully snipping it to make it look like Krugman is slamming Obama.

Smurphy’s screed is particularly dishonest since she’s spent all week screeching about pork barrel spending like a regular ole wingnut and exhorting her brain-dead PUMA confederates to call their congressmen to oppose the stimulus bill.

And now she has the nerve to cite Krugman as if he were the Oracle at Delphi? Well, I happen to have Mr. Krugman right here:

A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to economic recovery. Over the last two weeks, what should have been a deadly serious debate about how to save an economy in desperate straits turned, instead, into hackneyed political theater, with Republicans spouting all the old clichés about wasteful government spending and the wonders of tax cuts…

Would the Obama economic plan, if enacted, ensure that America won’t have its own lost decade? Not necessarily: a number of economists, myself included, think the plan falls short and should be substantially bigger. But the Obama plan would certainly improve our odds. And that’s why the efforts of Republicans to make the plan smaller and less effective — to turn it into little more than another round of Bush-style tax cuts — are so destructive.

And who is one of the Republicans leading the charge Krugman finds so destructive? Why that would be PUMAs’ presidential candidate, John McCain. Interesting that Smurphy left that part out, isn’t it? She goes to make the absurd claim that “o’logo” wants to purposely “ruin the economy for an entire generation” for his own personal benefit somehow. Stupid and delusion PUMAs!